Monday, September 27, 2010


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Officially settled in Madison...thank goodness. All is great! My studio is all put back together, ready to start mass creation!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Got Moving!

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The moving process is under way! My studio has been completely disassembled. T-minus 6 days before I can get working again.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Gestures of the Heart

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I now have my own line of blank greeting cards! Check out what I have created so far on my website

The cards are prints from my original work. Most of them are gesture drawings done in ink and watercolor. I am toying with the connection between the spontaneous nature of gesture drawing and a spontaneous gesture of sending someone a card out of the blue...or on a special occasion. That is my inspiration right now anyway. This venture will continue to grow. I may even extend into the realm of custom design for invitations, etc...not sure yet.

Good bye to the Northwoods

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Our northwoods adventure is coming to an end. We are moving to Madison in 12 days! We are really excited, but it is somewhat bittersweet. I will miss the woods and water and silence of Rhinelander. It has been great. On the other hand, Madison is great too. We have to go where opportunity calls us. I really think it would be a frustrating waste to stick it out up north where there are very few jobs. (Joe and I both have jobs in our field in Madison--although mine is very part time.) I may think differently if I were a hunting/boating/fishing enthusiast--sadly, I am not.
So, thank you woods and water and silence for your comfort and solitude. I will think of you always.