Thursday, November 29, 2012

Table Sculptures

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It is amazing to me what a simple building project can do to liven up the art room.  After many weeks of painting, drawing, and collage projects, this simple sculpture was just the post-Thanksgiving shot in the arm my 2nd graders and I needed.  We started by reading the story "The Table Where Rich People Sit," by Byrd Baylor.  It is a really unique story with great illustrations.  It shares the valuable message that being "rich" does not always mean having a lot of money and expensive things.  Always an important thing to remember.

 Additionally, we have entered the time of year when families are celebrating various holidays and carrying out special traditions associated with those holidays.  We discussed how the family table can be a strong symbol for tradition, family, and togetherness.  Finally, we used only recycled materials to create our table sculptures; just like the table in the story.

All in all, I think the message of the story was received, and I witnessed first hand that the kind of togetherness conjured up by kids meeting around a table to build stuff is second to none.

The Table Where Rich People Sit

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