Friday, July 30, 2010

Author's Pen

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Here is a great writing example from one of my students in Author's Pen. On the first day of class, I asked them to write a description of what makes for good writing or a good book. This is what Brittany had to say:

"First of all, I really only like fantasy with a bunch of action, with drama and passion, an author that's not scared to kill off a main character, a touch of funny here and there, an adventure, a road trip, then a dramatic battle at the end with a big boss. Great descriptive paragraphs and a sort of mystery intertwined in the plot of all of it. A book that has a betrayal of a friend and sucks you into it. If they say something funny, you laugh. If something sad happens, you cry. That is what I look for in a book and what makes a book good."

I love this job!

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