Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Semi-Successful Experiment

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I'm not sure that this record of my painting progress has been the most successful experiment. I'm not diligent enough at the moment; however, my schedule is finally falling into some kind of rhythm. I think if I tried again it may be more useful. The lesson I have learned is that it isn't really great practice to share a painting in progress. I'm too protective, which I think is a good thing--And I'm not protective in the sense that my process is so highly sophisticated and wonderful that I can't possibly share it...quite the contrary. My process is unruly and somewhat inconsistent and not exactly picture perfect. Oh well. I'm saving my pennies so I can invest in a new set of paints. I feel a change in palette coming on.

Monday, October 11, 2010


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Here is my progress so far...still tweaking colors and need to eliminate white! Talullah the kitty is helping.

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Process Begins

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I've decided to post a photo every day--or so--to track the progress of my latest painting. The painting is of my grandparents commissioned by my aunt and uncle. I'm excited to see what unfolds. This will either be very enlightening and or it will be a record of every re-paint I make--I'm expecting both outcomes!

So, post No. 1. Here is the gray-scale ink sketch. Next step: Wait for Fed Ex to deliver the canvas from my good friend Mr. Dick Blick and get started!