Tuesday, May 17, 2011

In the Art Room

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Here are a few images of new student work. For the last few months we've been working with the theme of "Relationships." Our inspiration came from a greeting card with an interesting quote on it. The quote reads, "I am, because we are." This sparked a discussion of what it means to be both an individual AND part of a group or a pair. After our discussion, we embarked on a weaving project. Weaving seemed appropriate, since you need more than one string to make a weaving. Students started by envisioning and building their own looms or structures on which to weave. I was really impressed with what they came up with without a lot of teacher input. After their looms were built they started weaving. Some chose to use traditional weaving methods. Others chose to use slightly more "abstract" weaving methods. Either way, they have turned out really beautifully. I'm still in the process of photographing finished work, but here are a few photos.

New Work

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After quite a long break, I'm finally getting around to posting something. New paintings are underway. My latest endeavors are two fold. First, I'm continuing my seasonal garden series now that Spring has sprung. As much as I love painting images of snow, some color will be nice. I'm also, starting a series of drawings of images I captured during the protest rallies at the WI State Capitol that have occurred throughout the spring. Here is a sketch for my first big drawing.

In other news, I now have an online gallery on Portal Wisconsin, a website generated by Wisconsin Public TV and WPR for all arts related events happening in the state. It's a great resource for artists and anyone interested in participating, supporting, and enjoying the arts in Wisconsin. Click here to check it out.

I also have paintings on display in Ripon, WI at the Watson Street Sub Shop.