Sunday, September 30, 2012

Art Fundraiser Projects Underway

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All classes started their Art to Remember fundraiser projects this week.  They started out a little Monday classes will be re-doing a step next week, but by the end of the week I think we worked out all the hiccups.  This is the first time I've attempted this kind of project.  There are quite a few factors to consider when planning the actual art project aspect.  I have already learned a lot and know exactly what I would do next time--assuming I do this again...

1. Consider timing.  I chose to do the Fall fundraiser so that orders would be ready in time for the holidays.  This means we had to start the project very early on in the school year.  On the plus side, we get it out of the way right away, and it also guarantees a simple beginning-of-the-year project.  On the downside, this is obviously a more product-based lesson than most.  Early in the school year, this is a little tricky to achieve especially for kindergarteners. 

2. Keep it Simple!  I often have to remind myself of this at the K-2 level, but it is especially important for a project of this nature.  My Monday classes will be restarting their projects as a result of my failure to remember this!!  Live and learn...

3. Allow some room for student choice.  In the future I hope to put more fore-thought into the student-choice aspect.  Since this is a personal project that students and their families will likely be giving as  gifts it would be nice to involve some level of student choice that the result is more personal to them.  Bottom line, I think families will enjoy the result no matter what. 

For some great info on other art fundraisers check out this post from the Art of Education...

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