Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Establishing a Choice-Based Art Program for Kindergarten

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At the start of my 5th week of my second year as a K-2 art teacher, I am already re-evaluating.  Kindergarten is always a challenge for me.  It's a challenge I love, but a challenge none the less.  I think the real root of my problem is that I am afraid to take the leap towards what I know is going to be the best fit for me and my students.  I am stepping closer and closer towards establishing a choice-based curriculum for my kindergarten students.  The big hurdle is the implementation and the training period involved in starting a curriculum of this nature.  The other fear is how to keep track of ALL those different ideas and projects going on at once...and what do you do with the students who are constantly picking up new papers, making a few scribbles and then moving on to the next thing...is that even a bad thing??  This is always where my brain goes any time I sit down to truly start making plans...question after question..."what if" after "what if"'... however, I think the time has finally come.  I am going to force myself over the hurdle, tune out my inner-skeptic, and seriously start implementing what I because I think would be a really successful change in how I teach kindergarten art.

First steps: 

Room arrangement.  I rearranged my room to create a more "center" friendly space.   A few of my favorite features...I decided to use the sand table I inherited from a retiring teacher to hold drawing tools and books.  I also asked our school custodian to remove the leg extensions from one of my tables so that it is low to the ground.  This creates a really great alternate work space for students.  In the next couple weeks I will be utilizing counter space and drawers to create a collage center, a painting center, and a building center. 

Next steps:
Teach/train students how to use each station, expectations, etc.
Establish a tracking method for assessment.
Monthly project themes.
Establish work groups?...perhaps?

Soon to be Painting Center

Counter space and drawers will soon hold various Centers
Lower work table with leg extensions removed. 
Sand table as storage space

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